The buzz and bliss of the summer is well and truly over. The evenings are long, dark and most likely cold and wet. Its no wonder we are all prone to the winter blues at some point or another. This is perfectly normal. However, sometimes we may find that these blues linger around for a […]
Sun worshippers are aware of the negative implications that the sun can have on the body. From sunburn to wrinkles and in severe cases, skin cancer. However, sunlight is beneficial and healthy for our bodies. It provides us with Vitamin D which is good for our bones, teeth, immune system, and mental health. Many of […]
As the summer months are fast approaching, our minds start to wander to the idea of lying by a pool in the glaring sun enjoying some well needed time off work. However, not everyone knows just how important this time off is. Some people feel guilty about taking time off even if they have earned […]
All the team here in Imagine Health would like to wish everyone a safe and happy St. Patrick’s day and an enjoyable long weekend!
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more — John Burroughs Spring is here! What better way to welcome the spring by getting active in your garden! Some of you may already be avid gardeners, whilst others would never have dreamed of tending to the […]
Anybody who has ever experienced the early stages of a romance will recognise the symptoms that can accompany those first few dates – ‘butterflies’ in the stomach, a racing heart, sweaty palms, temporary blindness to the other person’s annoying habits (which become much more obvious later in the relationship!). What is it about love that […]
If a friend or family member has recently been diagnosed with cancer, you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how you can help to support them through this difficult time. There are many things you can do to help, whether the person you care about is a family member, friend, colleague or neighbour. How […]
January is often a month that we find ourselves scrimping for every cent to see us through the month. Now that January is coming to an end it means pay-day is here and we can all sigh a breath of relief! However, it’s important to be mindful of our spending habits now that we have […]
With the arrival of another Friday the 13th, you may be feeling a little uneasy today. As with black cats, lone magpies and broken mirrors, many of us associate this day with increased misfortune and accidents. These omens of bad luck and superstition – and the sometimes bizarre things we do to combat them – […]
Christmas Time…Gluttony and Wine…. Christmas time provides us with the chance to spend quality time with loved ones. However, copious amounts of food and alcohol are typically involved in this festive season, and it’s hard to find a balance. It is easy to crack open that box of chocolates and bottle of wine when guests are […]